A new bird sanctuary installed at Hendersonville’s Sullivan Park

A new bird sanctuary has been beautifully established at Hendersonville’s Sullivan Park, thanks to the efforts of Crystal Cauley and the hard work of Carey and Lutrelle O’Cain, the owners of Wild Birds Unlimited in Hendersonville. The sanctuary, named the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary, aims to provide a tranquil space for people of all ages to clear their minds, reduce stress, and improve their mental well-being by connecting with nature and experiencing the joy of birdwatching. Crystal Cauley plans to seek approval from the Environmental Sustainability Board to have the sanctuary certified as a Certified Wildlife Habitat. She also envisions the sanctuary as a space for learning and community gatherings, aiming to partner with local organizations to host educational programs and meetings. Donations for binoculars and birding supplies are being collected for those interested in participating in birdwatching activities, and healthy bird food donations can be taken to Wild Birds Unlimited. A ribbon-cutting ceremony will mark the community event on Sept. 9, and everyone is invited to join in the celebration.

A new bird sanctuary installed at Hendersonvilles Sullivan Park

The Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary

The Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary is a newly installed bird sanctuary located at Sullivan Park in Hendersonville. This sanctuary was created as a result of the vision and effort put forth by Crystal Cauley, as well as the hard work of Carey and Lutrelle O’Cain, the owners of Wild Birds Unlimited in Hendersonville. The sanctuary, named the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary, aims to provide a place for people of all ages to clear their minds and reduce stress through birdwatching. The installation of this sanctuary is a testament to the importance of environmental sustainability and the positive effects that nature can have on mental well-being.

Background and Vision

The idea for the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary was first proposed by Crystal Cauley to the Environmental Sustainability Board for Sullivan Park. Cauley was inspired by the success of the bluebird houses at The Park in Flat Rock and wanted to recreate a similar environment in Sullivan Park. She envisioned the bird sanctuary as a place where people could go to relax, clear their minds, and reduce stress. Cauley recognized the positive association between seeing or hearing birds and improved mental well-being and wanted to bring these benefits to the community through the bird sanctuary.

Partnership Proposal with Local Organizations

To further promote the bird sanctuary and maximize its potential, Crystal Cauley plans to introduce a partnership proposal with local organizations. This proposal would involve using the sanctuary as a space for meetings and learning. Cauley recognizes the value of collaboration and wants to create opportunities for the community to come together and engage with nature. By partnering with local organizations, the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary can serve as an educational resource and a hub for environmental awareness in Hendersonville.

Donations for Birding Supplies

In order to make birdwatching accessible to everyone, Crystal Cauley is collecting donations for binoculars and other birding supplies. These supplies will be used for group birdwatching activities and educational programs that are being developed. Donations can be sent to Crystal Cauley at PO Box No. 1, Hendersonville, NC 28793. Additionally, a wishlist has been created on Amazon for those who prefer to purchase supplies directly. The wishlist can be found under the gift list registry of Crystal Cauley – Birding Supplies. By donating to the birding supplies, individuals can contribute to the accessibility and success of the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary.

The Installation Process

Idea by Crystal Cauley

The idea for the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary originated from Crystal Cauley. As a passionate advocate for the environment and community, Cauley recognized the need for a space in Hendersonville where people could connect with nature and experience the benefits of birdwatching. Inspired by the success of the bluebird houses at The Park in Flat Rock, Cauley proposed the installation of a bird sanctuary at Sullivan Park to the Environmental Sustainability Board.

Efforts of Carey and Lutrelle O’Cain

Carey and Lutrelle O’Cain, the owners of Wild Birds Unlimited in Hendersonville, played a crucial role in bringing the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary to life. They dedicated their time and resources to help make Cauley’s vision a reality. Their expertise and knowledge about birding supplies and equipment were instrumental in ensuring that the sanctuary was properly equipped to support birdwatching activities. Their commitment to environmental sustainability and community engagement is evident in their involvement in this project.

Name and Location of the Sanctuary

The newly installed bird sanctuary at Sullivan Park has been named the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary. The name reflects the connection of the sanctuary to the local community and the surrounding environment. Located in Hendersonville, the sanctuary’s convenient location makes it easily accessible for visitors of all ages. Its placement within Sullivan Park allows for a serene and peaceful atmosphere, perfect for observing birds and enjoying nature.

A new bird sanctuary installed at Hendersonvilles Sullivan Park

Benefits of a Bird Sanctuary

Clearing the Mind and Reducing Stress

Birdwatching has long been recognized as a calming and relaxing activity. Observing birds in their natural habitat can help individuals clear their minds and reduce stress. The serene environment of the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary provides a peaceful retreat from the busyness of everyday life. Whether visitors are avid birdwatchers or simply looking for a peaceful place to unwind, the sanctuary offers a respite from the stresses of the modern world.

Improved Mental Well-being

Numerous studies have shown the positive impact of nature on mental well-being. Research has found a significant positive association between seeing or hearing birds and improved mental well-being. By providing a space for people to connect with nature and engage in birdwatching, the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary promotes mental wellness within the community. The tranquility and beauty of the sanctuary offer a natural and accessible way to improve mental health and overall well-being.

Certified Wildlife Habitat

Crystal Cauley’s future plans for the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary include obtaining certification as a Wildlife Habitat. With the support of the Environmental Sustainability Board, Cauley aims to meet the criteria necessary for this certification. By becoming a Certified Wildlife Habitat, the sanctuary will not only benefit the birds but also provide a valuable educational resource for the community. Visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the importance of maintaining a healthy ecosystem and the role that bird sanctuaries play in preserving biodiversity.

Involvement of the Environmental Sustainability Board

Presentation to the Board

Crystal Cauley presented her proposal for the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary to the Environmental Sustainability Board. She shared her research on the success of similar projects, such as the bluebird houses at The Park in Flat Rock. Cauley emphasized the importance of providing a space for the community to connect with nature and the benefits of birdwatching for mental well-being. Her presentation highlighted the positive impact that the bird sanctuary could have on the local environment and the community as a whole.

Approval and Future Plans

The Environmental Sustainability Board approved Crystal Cauley’s proposal for the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary. This approval signifies the board’s recognition of the value and importance of the project. With the board’s support, Cauley plans to further develop the sanctuary and seek partnerships with local organizations. The approved proposal serves as a foundation for future plans and development of the sanctuary, ensuring that it continues to thrive and positively impact the community.

Meetings and Educational Programs

As part of the future plans for the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary, Crystal Cauley intends to establish meetings and educational programs. These programs aim to educate the community about the importance of environmental sustainability and wildlife conservation. By providing a space for learning and engagement, the sanctuary will promote a deeper understanding of the natural world. Through educational programs, visitors will have the opportunity to connect with nature and develop a sense of stewardship for the environment.

A new bird sanctuary installed at Hendersonvilles Sullivan Park

Donations and Support

Collecting Donations for Birding Supplies

To ensure that birdwatching activities can be enjoyed by all, Crystal Cauley is collecting donations for binoculars and other birding supplies. These donations will help make birdwatching accessible to individuals who may not have access to the necessary equipment. By donating to the birding supplies, individuals can directly contribute to the success of the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary and enable others to experience the joys of birdwatching.

Donation Address and Amazon Wishlist

Donations for birding supplies can be sent to Crystal Cauley at PO Box No. 1, Hendersonville, NC 28793. For those who would prefer to purchase supplies directly, a wishlist has been created on Amazon. The wishlist can be found under the gift list registry of Crystal Cauley – Birding Supplies. This provides a convenient and easy way to support the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary and contribute to its ongoing success.

Bird Food Donations at Wild Birds Unlimited

In addition to donations for birding supplies, Wild Birds Unlimited, owned by Carey and Lutrelle O’Cain, is accepting donations for healthy bird food. These donations can be made at their location at 638 Spartanburg Highway in Hendersonville. By contributing to the bird food donations, individuals can help ensure that the birds at the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary have access to nutritious food and create a thriving ecosystem within the sanctuary.

Community Engagement

Facebook Page for the Sanctuary

To facilitate communication and engagement with the community, the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary has a public Facebook page. The page serves as a platform for sharing updates, events, and educational information about the sanctuary. Through this page, visitors and enthusiasts can stay connected and informed about the latest happenings at the sanctuary. In addition, the Facebook page provides an opportunity for the community to share photos, stories, and their own experiences with birdwatching.

Upcoming Ribbon Cutting Event

An upcoming ribbon cutting event will mark the official opening of the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary. The event will take place at Sullivan Park on September 9, with festivities starting at 10:30 a.m. This community event will provide an opportunity for individuals to come together and celebrate the creation of the sanctuary. The ribbon cutting event will not only signify the completion of the installation process but also the beginning of a new chapter for community engagement and environmental awareness.

Importance of Community Support

Community support plays a vital role in the success of any project, and the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary is no exception. The involvement and engagement of the community are crucial for the long-term sustainability of the sanctuary. By supporting and participating in the sanctuary’s activities, the community can foster an environment of environmental stewardship and appreciation for nature. The collective effort of the community will ensure that the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary continues to thrive and serve as a valuable resource for generations to come.

A new bird sanctuary installed at Hendersonvilles Sullivan Park

The Role of Local Organizations

Potential Partnership with Organizations

Crystal Cauley plans to establish partnerships with local organizations to maximize the impact of the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary. By collaborating with these organizations, the sanctuary can be utilized as a space for meetings and learning. This partnership will not only benefit the organizations involved but also provide opportunities for the community to engage with nature and learn about environmental sustainability.

Utilizing the Sanctuary for Meetings and Learning

The Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary presents a unique opportunity for organizations to utilize the space for meetings and learning activities. The serene surroundings and abundance of birdlife make for a peaceful and inspiring environment. Whether it’s a small group meeting or a larger educational event, the sanctuary provides an ideal setting to foster creativity, collaboration, and a connection with the natural world.

Promoting Birdwatching

One of the main goals of the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary is to promote birdwatching and raise awareness of its benefits. By partnering with local organizations, the sanctuary can reach a wider audience and encourage more individuals to engage in this rewarding activity. Through educational programs and events, the sanctuary can educate the community about the diverse bird species in the area and inspire a love for birds and nature.

Location and Access

Sullivan Park in Hendersonville

The Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary is located within Sullivan Park in Hendersonville. Sullivan Park offers a picturesque and tranquil setting, making it an ideal location for a bird sanctuary. This natural oasis provides a welcoming environment for birds and visitors alike. Its proximity to other amenities and attractions in Hendersonville ensures that visitors can easily access the sanctuary and enjoy all that it has to offer.

Convenient Location for Visitors

The convenient location of the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary makes it easily accessible for visitors of all ages. Located within Sullivan Park, the sanctuary is within close proximity to parking facilities and public transportation options. Its accessibility ensures that individuals can visit the sanctuary without any barriers and experience the beauty of the natural world.

Accessibility for All

The Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary is designed to be accessible for all individuals, regardless of their physical abilities. The pathways within the sanctuary are wheelchair-friendly, allowing everyone to explore and enjoy the sanctuary’s offerings. Accessibility is prioritized to ensure that individuals with disabilities can fully participate in birdwatching activities and experience the benefits that nature has to offer.

A new bird sanctuary installed at Hendersonvilles Sullivan Park

Public Awareness and Promotion

Informing the Community through Media

To raise public awareness about the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary, Crystal Cauley and the Environmental Sustainability Board have been actively reaching out to the media. Through press releases and interviews, they aim to inform the community about the sanctuary’s purpose, benefits, and upcoming events. By sharing information through various media channels, they hope to engage a wider audience and encourage community participation.

Event Promotion and Social Media

The ribbon cutting event and other upcoming events at the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary will be promoted through various channels, including social media platforms. The sanctuary’s public Facebook page serves as a central hub for event announcements, updates, and engagement. By utilizing social media, the sanctuary can effectively reach out to the community, build excitement, and encourage attendance at events.

Advocating for Local Journalism

Crystal Cauley and the Environmental Sustainability Board recognize the importance of local journalism in spreading information about the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary. They encourage individuals and the community to support local journalism by subscribing to the Hendersonville Times-News, where news about the sanctuary and other local initiatives can be found. By advocating for local journalism, they ensure that the community remains informed and engaged with the sanctuary and its activities.


The installation of the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary at Sullivan Park in Hendersonville is an exciting development for the community. Thanks to the vision of Crystal Cauley and the hard work of Carey and Lutrelle O’Cain, the sanctuary provides a serene and peaceful space for people of all ages to enjoy the benefits of birdwatching. With its potential to improve mental well-being, educate the community, and promote environmental sustainability, the Brooklyn Creek Bird Sanctuary is a valuable addition to Hendersonville. Through community engagement, partnerships with local organizations, and ongoing support, the sanctuary will continue to thrive and inspire a love for nature for years to come.

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