Morning Glory for Hummingbirds

“Morning Glory for Hummingbirds” is an article that explores the beauty and appeal of Morning Glories (Ipomoea) for hummingbirds. The author reflects on their childhood memories of waking up to the sight of these vibrant flowers that would curl up in the heat of the day, only to awaken and open up again in the early morning. Despite being considered old-fashioned, the author highlights the fondness that hummingbirds have for these tubular flowers, which provide easy access to nectar. The article also provides instructions on how to plant Morning Glories, including tips on seed selection and germination. Overall, it is an informative and nostalgic piece that celebrates the timeless allure of Morning Glories for both humans and hummingbirds.

Morning Glory for Hummingbirds

Morning Glory for Hummingbirds

The Morning Glory flower, also known as Ipomoea, is one of the best flowers for attracting hummingbirds. These vibrant and colorful flowers have a unique tendency to curl up in the heat of the day, appearing as though they are asleep. They then awaken and open up again in the early morning, hence the name “Morning Glory”.

Growing Morning Glory flowers is a delightful and easy experience. They are tubular in shape, which makes them perfect for hummingbirds to access the nectar inside. These vines grow rapidly and can cover arbors and trellises, providing a beautiful display in your garden. Whether you have a cold climate or a milder one, these flowers can thrive and provide a haven for hummingbirds.

How to Plant Morning Glories

To plant Morning Glory flowers, follow these steps:

Purchase and Soak Seeds

Start by purchasing Morning Glory seeds. They come in a variety of colors, but keep in mind that hummingbirds are particularly attracted to the color red. If you have existing Morning Glory plants, you can save the seed pods from the flowers in the fall and reuse them for planting in the following spring.

Before planting the seeds, soak them in warm water for 24 hours. This process helps to speed up the germination process and ensures that the seeds are ready to grow.

Preparing the Soil

Prepare the soil by loosening it. Morning Glory flowers thrive in well-drained soil, so ensure that the soil is not compacted. Loosening the soil also helps the roots to establish themselves more easily.

Planting After the Last Frost

Wait until after the last frost to plant the Morning Glory seeds. Frost can damage the young plants, so it’s best to wait until the chance of frost has passed.

Locating in Full Sun

Although Morning Glory flowers have a tendency to close in the heat of the sun, they still thrive when located in full sun. Find a spot in your garden that receives ample sunlight throughout the day and plant the flowers there.

Providing Support for the Flowers

Morning Glory vines can grow up to 20 feet, so it’s important to provide them with adequate support. Install a trellis, wall, or other structure that the vines can climb. Not only does this support the flowers, but it also adds visual interest and beauty to your garden.

Morning Glory for Hummingbirds

Heavenly Blue Morning Glory

One popular variety of Morning Glory is the Heavenly Blue Morning Glory, or Ipomoea tricolor. These flowers have glorious, sky-blue blooms that measure around 4 to 5 inches in diameter. They get their name from the fact that the blooms open in the cool of the morning, providing a stunning display. In the fall, these flowers may even stay open all day.

The sky-blue flowers of the Heavenly Blue Morning Glory feature a white throat, adding a touch of elegance to their appearance. They bloom from summer until the first frost, bringing beauty to your garden for a prolonged period.

To care for the Heavenly Blue Morning Glory, ensure that the plant does not dry out. These flowers require frequent watering to thrive. If you choose to grow them in a pot, they tend to bloom earlier and produce more flowers than when they are planted in the ground. Consider using a pot or hanging basket to showcase these lovely flowers.

Watering and Care

Proper watering is essential for Morning Glory flowers. They require consistently moist soil, but avoid overwatering, as soggy soil can lead to root rot. Water deeply but infrequently, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings.

Morning Glory flowers benefit from regular fertilization. Use a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer according to the package instructions. Apply the fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season to promote healthy growth and vibrant blooms.

Morning Glory for Hummingbirds

Planting in Spring

Spring is the ideal time to plant Morning Glory flowers. Wait until after the last frost has passed, and the soil has warmed up. This ensures that the seeds have the best chance of germinating and establishing themselves successfully.


Morning Glory flowers are a superb choice for attracting hummingbirds to your garden. Their tubular blooms and vibrant colors make them irresistible to these tiny birds. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily plant Morning Glory flowers and create a stunning haven for hummingbirds in your own backyard. Watch as these beautiful creatures flit from flower to flower, bringing joy and beauty to your outdoor space. Happy gardening!

Morning Glory for Hummingbirds

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